All Lives Matter
ALL LIVES MATTER!” they scream.
Even to you, the gatekeepers of morality
All lives don’t matter.
This pandemic was called a great equaliser.
Money can’t buy a cure anymore.
But dying of a viral infection
And dying of fatigue and starvation on the roads
How is that equal?
“The system is unable to take the overload” they scream
What system?
The system has been dead for decades.
The rich have been gorging themselves
On the blood of the poor and unfortunate
For centuries.
We depend on men to make the world better.
We demand charity and compassion to care for the poor.
“The reasonably well off”
Who are one chronic disease away from going bankrupt
How will they provide for everyone?
For every hollow eyed toddler dying of hunger
Every displaced villager, a squatter on his own land
Every man, woman and child who has lost human dignity
And was never given it, to begin with.
“All lives matter!”
To the middle class
To the young people with a spark in their eyes
To those with empathy
Till that spark is killed by mountains of grief
The price we paid for caring more than we could
Grief for those we never knew
For our own helplessness
Shame for not doing enough
Never being enough
While the rich still gorge on blood.
“They earned their wealth!” you scream.
A generation of pacifists
Too afraid to rock the boat
You must not bite the hand that feeds you, after all!
The poor is your enemy
You envy and worship the rich
Whose empires were built on the backs of workers
Broken backs
Are all we have left to show for it.
Men are kind and men are self centred
Men are noble and men are cowards
Men are strong and the same men fall
The goodness of a common man cannot redeem the world.
I throw your smug righteousness back in your face
I cast your capitalist values to the flames
The poor man is hungry, cold and misled
When his veins run dry, he will see red
The day his silent patience dies
The bloodied streets and roads will cry